Just stuff
This is my horoscope for today:
PISCES - You have creative talent, although it is possible that you have not yet found the best way to express it. If you are too easily distracted by a variety of conflicting possibilities, you will find it difficult to fulfill your potential. Use your intuition to focus on endeavors that offer a real chance to accomplish your ambitions.
I find this to be very true. I have been easily distracted lately and staying focused has been a challenge. I feel that I am on the right track but for some reason have a constant feeling that I should be doing more.....I just don't have the time. Most of my friends think that I am out of my mind. I am asked all the time how do I do all that I do. I be honest....I don't know, I just do things that make me happy.
I started my week out great. Erin and I went for an early morning 7 mile run. I was so thankful that she wanted to meet. If not I prolly would have stayed in bed after too many mimosas on Sunday. I felt great!
The weekend was also really good. It was a mellow stay at home weekend with one really good brick on Sunday, 30 on the bike and 3 run. I felt good on the bike even though Erin completely smokes me. I kept a constant pace for the run...about a 10ish pace. I am really stoked about how good I felt after our workout. 2 weeks in a row of successful bricks has given me a bit more confidence for the 31st.
I am still freaked about the swim. I had a great workout this morning with Meredith. I tried to remember all the tips from the stoke demo that I went to on Sunday. Gosh....it is so much to think about that I can't wait for the day that it all just "clicks". I am actually starting to enjoy my swim class and know that I at least know I can stay afloat long enough to get the swim down for the sprint. It will not be pretty but who cares.
Yikes....that was a horrible color selection for the horoscope.
PISCES - You have creative talent, although it is possible that you have not yet found the best way to express it. If you are too easily distracted by a variety of conflicting possibilities, you will find it difficult to fulfill your potential. Use your intuition to focus on endeavors that offer a real chance to accomplish your ambitions.
obviously you got distracted and didn't make it to the core class. missed ya!
You are going to kick ass at Lonestar, Missy!! I'm so excited for you.
Though I am a gemini, I totally relate to your horoscope. The pile up of work on my desk makes me want to cry, and I can't get anything done.
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