Thursday, January 10, 2008

New challenge.....THE MASTER CLEANSE

So yes, I did fall off the face of the earth.....or at least blog land. After Keg Ball way back on labor day I have been MIA. So much stuff has happen and event come and gone. Well it's too much to me a beer one day and I will fill you in so on to the here and now.

For the past 4 years I take a no drinking challenge to give my liver a break and focus on the home stretch of training for the marathon. Well there is no marathon for me this season but I decided to give the body a break by doing the Master Cleanse. It was easy breezy. Drink this maple syrup, spicy lemonade mixture pretty much all day and eat NO FOOD. Bast our the pipe with a salt flush first thing in the morning( I will spare the details) and repeat.

I decided to do this for 10 days. The second day was the most difficult being that it was the LSU game and Gordon, my old boss, hosted a watching party. Being from Louisiana and alumni of LSU, Gordy went all out and had Evangaline Cafe cater. THAT SUCKED FOR ME!!! Other than that I really did not miss the food or crave much of anything. Folks at work said I was not bitchy and was really normal. What I really missed was the cold that sad?

Well I am now off the cleanse and have eaten fairly healthy since. I had about a teaspoon of sourcream last night YUM....but paid for it about 3AM this morning. OH well.....

One thing I have really been missing lately are my friend. The second family who kick my ass in running and biking. I have not been on my bike in months and I think now is the time to hop back in the saddle. I guess the urge started last week when I busted out my cycling leg warmers to layer under my sweats one morning for boot camp. Standing around in the cold telling folks what to do is way more difficult than you would think. I would much rather be working out with them some mornings. WEll....I know that I need to start getting out there again. Working out outside is far more rewarding for me. I need to learn how to just leave the clinic....the work will be there tomorrow....and start back on a regular workout routine.

I need to see my friends more socially and not just as they ride away from me on the Autobaun( they do have some nice bumms though:) so I will try to not fall off the face of the earth again too soon. I did need the break though and hanging out at home has been nice.

I also have been dedicating lots of time to planning networking events with a couple good girl friends. We had our first big event in Dec and it was a hit!! We will have our next "Show Us Your Goods" on Feb 8th at there.

Okay......gotta get to work but I just had a sec to jot some stuff down. I hope to get better at blogging more often. Wish me luck.


At 3:28 PM , Blogger KP said...

Glad you're back!

At 10:00 PM , Blogger Dionn said...

Good Luck! We miss you! Call me...let's ride girlfriend!

At 9:16 AM , Blogger Kris said...

Miss you!!!

At 2:18 PM , Blogger Lulu said...

Yay! Welcome back. I want to ride too. I havent been on my bike since early Dec. I am so out of shape. Tell me when and I will be there (or not).


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