Sunday, March 02, 2008

Bootcamp weekend.....DONE!

So if you did not I have been a complete slug the past several month. I seriously think the last time I actually rode my bike was last August. I have picked up a few short runs with the dogs hear and there but over, nada, nothing.......until this weekend.

I think that cheering my husband and friends on for the 3M and the Austin Marathon sort of put the fire back under my butt. It was a bittersweet day on marathon day for me, cheering and wishing it was me being cheered on by others all at the same time. I decided that day that yes, I needed to get off my rear and start training again.

I am lucky to have such amazing friends and a supportive hubby to boot. They all encouraged me to get back out there so this weekend I signed up to ride the 50 mile route of Pedal Through the Pines with my crew. It was a really nice ride despite my out-of-shapeness. I am still pissed that the same guy on a unicycle passed me going up hill that did last lame is that on my part. But it makes me laugh and after chatting with a few other riders who share in my pain and really wanna hurl a water bottle at him as he effortlessly wheels right by us. It would be my luck that the dude would catch it and start to juggle or something.

Anyway, I hope to get better at keeping up with this dang blog since I know how much you all are dying to hear about my life:) Thanks for reading!!


At 9:44 AM , Blogger Erin said...

you did great this weekend, michelle! (peeps!)

i'm glad you're back!

At 5:55 PM , Blogger Dionn said...

You are rocking it girlfriend! It's great to get to hang out with you again! YAY!! keep up with your blogging. ;)


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