Wednesday, June 11, 2008


As you all have figured it out. I am a flake blogger. I get so wrapped up in day to day stuff that I just don't have the energy to sit and type out what has been happening in my life so her is a short recap.

Todd and I joined a co-ed kickball team a couple months back. We met our friends every Thursday to get our asses handed to us BUT we had a blast! It was probably the most fun I have had in a long time....just hangin with Todd and friends, having a few beers then heading to a bar to chill after. It was really great times. We actually did win one game and tied the team that won the season last year so over it was great. The last team we played was tons of fun too even though they totally smoked us. Thanks to all my fellow "Where's my Pitches At" teammates for making the past couple months a hoot!

With that said you probably figured that I have NOT been training. I had great intentions at the beginning of March to get back in the saddle and improve my cycling but it jut didn't happen. Working Saturdays really sucks sometimes because that is when groups typically ride and such. My job has been really demanding and unfortunately has forced me to put my training on the back burner.....until now.

After several lazy months, tons of beer,no-so-good-for-you food and 10(yes,TEN) pounds I have decided NOW is time to get motivated. I was stuck in a rut and I think that with the summer here I finally have shaken the laziness off. I mentioned to my friend and coach that I was tossing around the idea of the San Antonio Marathon. I was out there at the Austin Martha ton with Todd cheering folks on @ the 25 mile marker. Todd's band, The Humiliators played ALL morning to the runner and it made me sorta wish I was out there pounding the pavement. Once I heard that it was gonna be a Rock and Roll I decided I was in for the torture. I took last year off and have not really done much since. I figured after the year off it was time to dust off the running shoes and get back to business. I have not trained for my OWE marathon since 2002 since I have been coaching with Austin Fit so I think I I AM training for the FULL......YIKES! Okay now it's out there in cyberspace so GAME ON!!!

To launch my new found energy and determination I decided to go to the man who kicked my ass into shape a couple years ago, Jeremy Thiel with CrossFit Central. He has a new early morning 5:45AM runner's specific camp so I figured this would help jump my training for the marathon which starts this coming weekend. I am half way down with week 2 and i can finally start to move my legs again. Last Thursday was rough. I had not been that sore in forever but it was a good know the one all you fellow FOMOs:) So if CrossFit is not enough I also enrolled in the 8 week 300 Challenge. the challenge is basically a way to hold my self accountable with a coach for my workouts and diet....which we all know I need help on! queso and 2 weakness. I did the launch assessment and workout last night. BRUTAL!!!! So much so that I puked on my way home at he 2222 & Mopac light. NICE! I think I just guzzled a bit too much water right after stopping. Here is a clip of the workout.....

I completed everything in 17:17 and I was happy just to finish it all since the max time was 20 minutes. We will be tested again in 8 weeks to see our improvement.

Other than that I have been SUPER busy at work with the opening of a new clinic, cleaning house from dead weight employees and hiring new ones......FUN. My best friend had a baby....WELCOME DEREK SCOTT!!!

Okay....that's all my brain can take right now....gotta get ready for work!!


At 10:33 AM , Blogger Erin said...

OMG. Crossfit is HARD!!! But I love it. I wish I could work it into my schedule more...

I'm excited that you are getting back on the saddle, Michelle! ;) I think you're going to really enjoy running a marathon for YOURSELF.


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