Friday, July 13, 2007

hello again

So I find myself with a little bit of time on my hands since my massage client did not show up for their appointment today. I am sure that some how this is my bad since I failed to confirm the appointment yesterday.

Anyway,since I have been MIA lately I thought I would use the little extra time to jot down what I have been up to. It has been one month since I started my new job. I really like my new job but it makes me sad that I am not able to workout with the group. I know that typically this means we meet, start and the fast ones leave me in the dust and wait for me at the finish:) Just getting to see and catch up with everyone makes me smile. I really had no idea how much I would miss working out a few times a week with my friends. I guess that is why I am so jazzed about Sunday.

Sunday is Katy Flatlands. Although I am not taking on the century I will still be out there for the 60-miler. I was really excited when Tim informed me that his wife, Carrie, will prolly ride a shorted distance as well. I am also proud of myself for getting off my ass this week and working out. the job transition was rough and I am ready to get back on some sort of routine. I made it out to boot camp this week. Wow....I have felt muscle aches I this in a really long time....and it feels good hurt. I did skip out on the leg workout yesterday so they would not feel like ass for the ride. I have also been on the bike and running on my own...not fun but better than sitting on my ass.

for those who do not know, my new job is with Massage Envy. I left the medical field after 9 years. WOW...what a change. It is really refreshing to be surrounded by folks who love their job and customers who are pleasant. Who could possibly be an asshole after getting a massage? The only down side is, since I am a massage therapist, I have had to cover for therapist who have not showed. I guess this is good, we did not have to turn away a client, but I can see this could potentially be taken advantage of by the staff. At least being a therapist has given me some "street cred" with the others. They now see me as one of them instead of just the new chick who is there to tell them what to do and when to do it. All in the new job.

The one really AWESOME part of my job is that I get to interview and hire all the new therapist. How do you interview a guest it, you get a massage from them!! So far I have rec'd 3 free massages:) Also, I get $20 sessions.....this little perk makes missing my group workouts a bit easier. I think I should go ahead and book my recovery massage for after Katy when I get to work today.

Okay.....that's all for now. I will be reading ya'll blogs to keep up-to-date on what's happening out there.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Only In Friggin' Texas

are you kidding me? What a hoot. My cholesterol is going up from just watching this video. I love the final interview of the cafe owner and I want the TX Country Reporters job.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

the sun......

the rain stopped just brief enough for me to squeeze in a short ride on the Veloway after work. I had a double great time since I happen to call Erin and she, Phil, Glenda and Sue Ellen where headed that way too. YEAH!! It was nice to see my friends, get in just enough loops and finish the work out with a gorgeous rainbow.

Erin has pics so check out her blog...i am sure they are up by now:)

I also got home and Todd had a package for me. He bought me a replacement tiny phone for the one I broke a few months ago. HOORAY for the husband.......He RULES!!!

today was a great day and I am such the lucky girl:)