Wednesday, August 22, 2007


this is too good to pass up.


After Lulu & Erin had their eyes fixed I decided to get off my ass and schedule my touch up procedure. I had Lasik 2 years ago and my vision is almost perfect. Well it is perfect compared to how incredibly BLIND I was before the first procedure.

Tomorrow I will be going back to have a touch up on my right eye to, hopefully, take me to 20/20. Right now I am about 20/25. I am really excited to see even better than I am now. Tight now my night vision is a bit fuzzy.....or is that just the alcohol? :)

I will "see" you all later!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

better than a wet dream

I have not told many folks but on August first I decided to join Erin and hop on the "NO dessert" train. This has been a HUGE challenge for me. I was thinking at first that I would give up drinking...but seriously? You all know me by now......I love a good cold beer. So, I decided to cut the sweet treats like cookies, ice cream, cake, candy etc. I have stuck with the natural sugars of fresh fruit, which I love and completely enjoy.

I have stuck to my plan so far but a couple of nights ago I had a dream......a dessert dream. I dreamt that I was.......eating cherry pie. I remember every detail of the dream. I remember saying out loud that Erin was gonna kill me for eating the pie, how it smelled, how it was nice and warm, the sweet tartness of the pie filling....ugh, I could go on and on. It was pure heaven!! I remember waking up and being so sad but glad that it was just a dream. I even fet a little guilty about the whole thing at first, how silly is that?

I really hope to make the full month. I am almost there...I can do this.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

the spectacular fall........

so here is a pic of my knee 3 days post fall. i still can't bend it all the way. i guess i'm lucky i did not really jack my leg up!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

why my life is so great.......

I am sitting at work thinking about why my life is so great. Here are a few reasons off the top of my head.

1)My husband RULES!! Not only does he tell me daily how much he loves me he shows it by picking up my drunk ass not once but TWICE this week. Once on Funday after the never-ending brunch and last night he drove home after the pub run. At lease he was already out last night and did not have to take a cab to pour me into our car to drive home. Todd RULES!!......

2)My friends RULE!! I had the best time last night at the pub run. I am so happy that I finally found a group of peeps who I mesh well with. We run, we cycle, we drink, we just have a great time whenever we are all together. Even when I busted ass last night with my face plant on 6th street they showed sincere concern after laughing their asses off as they help me up and told me to "shake it off we got drinkin' to do"

3)My new job RULES!! I limp in the clinic today to tell my story about my fall from last night. My boss insists that I get a massage......while on the clock. So at 8PM I got a massage that only cost me $20! So I am sitting here waiting for the last clients to leave and my body feels not quite as sore as it did earlier:)

4)My networking RULES!! today I got a call from a gal in California. We met about a year ago. She asked me if I would be interested in massaging backstage for ACL Fest. SWEET!! I hope all works out. She also asked me to help her cover a gig at Stubb's tomorrow night. So tomorrow evening I will be massaging Rufus Wainright and Neko Case's bands and crew. How cool is that!!??!!

Just thought I would now I am off at 10:00 to meet Todd and my great friends down at Emo's for Games and Dames.

Life is fantastic........My life RULES!!!! is a slide show from last nights Pub Run!!!