Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wow....tons of updates

So I finally am getting around to posting again. Here is the new ride:)
A Honda Element. I love it!!! I got it just in time for the Austin Triathlete Open Water Swim. I loaded her up with my massage stuff and headed out to the Dam for a day of fun and massaging tired athletes. HOORAY new for new wheels.
Last week was packed with goodness. It started Monday night with the Tool concert in SanAntonio. They rocked despite the nose bleed seats. I was just happy that they finally played their twice cancelled show.
I had my third interview with Massage Envy. I am now the new clinic admin for the Hancock....yes, I said cock, center. I accepted the job on Friday so it made for a Happy and festive weekend. I started my celebration with the Booze Cruise back to San Antonio for Todd's show with the Humiliators @ Jiggers. We had a rental van and piled in with a cooler full of fun to make the trip. It was a crazy night with many beers and lots of good music. Many thanks to Dave in the band for being the DD that night. What a trooper too. He had to be at work Sat. morning......yikes!
Saturday was another day of music, the Morrissey concert at the Backyard. That is prolly my favorite place to see a show in Austin. the show was great and opened the flood gates back to my youth. I never got the chance to see The Smiths when I was a kid so I was thrilled when I found a group of friends who were just as excited to make the show. We pre-partied at Brian's place with a very nice spread. He lives 5 miles from the venue so it was perfect. Being that I drank tons of beer the night before on the Booze Cruise i decided that I would be the DD for the night. The show was great and we danced and sang along to all the songs.
Sunday was a lazy rainy day but I managed to get out a bit to drop my massage table off at the finish for the CapTX Tri, which was cancelled. :( I was bummed that it was cancelled but I am sure those registered were even more disappointed.
Yesterday I turned in my 2 week notice to my boss. She was happy and sad for me leaving and made me cry. I am sad about leaving my job but an very excited about my new position. I have been with the same doc for almost 9 That seems like an eternity. I am not able to share my news at work with the others until tomorrow.
The rest of the week is cake. I will be working the ROT rally all weekend. This should be interesting....bikers and chair massage. I will let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Time......where does it go?

I have not posted in a while and so much has happened. I bought a new car on Friday!! (pics soon to come) A very dear friend was in town this weekend who i have not seen in almost a year, Hit a gay bar, had the Austin Tri Open H2O Swim to work doing massage, bought a new couch and ate WAY too much, and saw the Tool concert Monday night. OH!! I also have a lead on a new job:) More to come later but just wanted to jot down why I have been MIA lately. I know you all have missed me so!! (yeah right! does anyone really read this thing?)

Time......where does it go?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Life is good

I have had an amazing weekend filled with good time with my friends and family. It started Friday morning with a 4 mile run down at Town Lake before work. Work was work and around 2PM my friend Emma call to meet for Happy Hour. We planned on meeting at a place I have never been before, Fino. Around 4 Erin called and was hoping to find a drinking partner. Who am I to let down a friend? I logged off and headed to Freddie's for a margarita:)

I have not been to Freddie's in a while and I had forgotten how much I really enjoy sitting out on the dog-friendly yard. We ordered a couple of margaritas and enjoyed the fact that the weekend was finally here. I entertained Erin with my story of what I did for lunch, got my eyebrows threaded. I will not go into the full details but it involved knocking on a door, several random women sitting around waiting for services. Services included threading, tarot card readings and shopping for imports from India. I left there with perfectly groomed eyebrows and not smelling like Curry. Buy me a margarita and I will tell you the rest. :) Our coach, Panther, met us there too. He did not find my story as entertaining as Erin did but we had a fantastic friday wind-down none-the-less.

Time was ticking and I had to get to Fino. As soon as I hit the top of the stair case at 29th and Lamar I was please to see the nice Patio. Emma had picked the perfect happy hour spot. We sat outside and had snacks, champagne and great conversation. We were there for a couple of hours and then all headed back to our families. I had an early moring so really needed to head back to the casa to chill.

4:30am came around super early but I jumped outta bed ready to face a full day of volunteering at the Austin Cycling Association's Armadillo Hill Country Classic. Kay, of coarse, was going with me so I was looking forward to spending the day with her too. I did have a battle with y FOMO since as I saw all my fellow Camp Punishment workout buddies in their cycling gear ready to head out on the ride. We helped the riders fuel up, slather on sunscreen and fill their water bottles. Once all the riders had left Liberty Hill H.S. we me and my crew prepared for all 300+ riders to return from the various route distances. The rides came in waves the rest of the day since they offered routes from 16 to 100 miles. We made tons of PB&J and prepared a spread of nuts, cookies, fruit, crackers, sodas and water. The day was long but filled with fun and by 4PM I was forced to leave before the last rider was back in. I had family stuff to make.

I barely made it home to shower and change when Todd and Evan zipped by the house to pick me up. We headed out towards Emma Long Park for the family Mother's Day celebration. Todd's family had reserved a party boat and invited all the brothers plus family out for a mass celebration. Now, I missed this last year and the last 3 family events of Todd's so in order to keep the peace I made sure that I was there. It was a fantastic time out on Lake Austin. It was really relaxing and I was glad that I was able to make it out. We ate, had a few beers and checked out all the high dollar real estate along the shore. It was the perfect in to a very long day.

This morning I actually got to "sleep in" until 7:30:)!!! Todd and I were running in my friends Wiley and Lulu's First Annual Mother F%$kers Trail Race. The race came about last Friday when they were both ticked that the annual Mother's Day Daisy 5K was moved to Cedar Park. Really....who wants to drive to Cedar Park for a 5K? We all met on the trail ready to run and more importantly have a few beers once it was over. With such short notice we were all happy to see that we had 25 runners and one doggie entry. The race went great despite falling, we both did, but that is the name of the game with trail running.

back at the ranch it was time to take care of laundry and house stuff. I was able to squeeze in 25 miles on the trainer thanks to The Soprano's Season 3 and last weeks The Office. I did not meet my workout goals for the weekend but I am happy that I got in what I did. I am also happy that I decided to switch to Team Affliction, the duathalon training group of Camp Punishment. I decided this would be better and much less stress about my swimming since it is non-existent right now.

So that is weekend and it was wonderful.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Every day I sit at my desk, work and listen to the radio. For those who don't know, my office is right next door to South Austin Hospital. They have done several fantastic renovations to the facility over the past 3 years or so. The latest addition is a helipad. Every few days or so I get to hear the roar of the helicopter landing just across the chain linked fence. I can see the landing from my window since the pad is in the middle of the back parking lot. I get to witness as the paramedics rush some poor person into the ER. I wonder every time what has happen? Obviously something severe enough to warrant life flight. I hope that all of these people survive but life and complications happen. I do not know how ER workers, especially the ER docs can handle seeing stuff like this day after day. I know that I am way to emotional to ever work in that sort of environment.

So they just whisked someone inside....I pray for that person.

A new cycle

Last night was the first night of a new training cycle. We had a really difficult run and I felt like I was going to hurl at one point. I am not sure if it was the heat but it was killing me. That sucks because it will only get more blistering as the summer progresses. Well the great part was that I got to visit with my friends and seeing the others suffer just as much as me makes me feel better.....misery loves company. That workout would have really been difficult if I decide to go it alone at the Crockett track.

so...I have had this friggin' headache for about 2 weeks now. It is every so dull but always there and then intensifies every day at different times. At first I thought it was just an allergy headache and maybe it is or maybe it's that I watch too much Grey's Anatomy and discovery channel and I have some weird brain disorder. If you ask my cousins it is definitely the brain disorder. I think I may make an appointment to have my head checked out because having a constant headache really sucks!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Seriously who forgets a MASSAGE appointment?!! I was not able to make Adam's core class, go swimming or ride after work yesterday due to a new massage client. I was so excited to have a new client who was referred by one of the Hill Country Inline skaters. I just spoke with the new client on Sunday for his Monday night appointment and he was a no-show. ARRGGGG!! After waiting 30 minutes and calling him I left and went to the gym to squeeze in a little sum-in for the day.

oh is life right? Okay....done venting.